Flash Art (Ejemplo de PHP+MING)
Font »AnkeCalligraph« by
Anke Arnold
Codigo fuente
<? // Copyright (C) 2002/2003 Kai Seidler, oswald@apachefriends.org // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // $f = new SWFFont("AnkeCalligraph.fdb"); $m = new SWFMovie(); $m->setRate(24.0); $m->setDimension(520, 320); $m->setBackground(251, 121, 34); // This functions was based on the example from // http://ming.sourceforge.net/examples/animation.html function text($r, $g, $b, $a, $rot, $x, $y, $scale, $string) { global $f, $m; $t = new SWFText(); $t->setFont($f); $t->setColor($r, $g, $b, $a); $t->setHeight(96); $t->moveTo(-($t->getWidth($string))/2, 32); $t->addString($string); $i = $m->add($t); $i->rotateTo($rot); $i->moveTo($x,$y); $i->scale($scale, $scale); return $i; } $colorr[1]=255*0.85; $colorg[1]=255*0.85; $colorb[1]=255*0.85; $colorr[2]=255*0.9; $colorg[2]=255*0.9; $colorb[2]=255*0.9; $colorr[3]=255*0.95; $colorg[3]=255*0.95; $colorb[3]=255*0.95; $colorr[4]=255; $colorg[4]=255; $colorb[4]=255; $c=1; $anz=4; $step=4/$anz; for($i=0;$i<$anz;$i+=1) { $x=0; $y=0; $size=($i/5+0.2); $t[$i]=text($colorr[$c],$colorg[$c],$colorb[$c],0xff,0,$x,$y, $size,$_REQUEST['text']); $c+=$step; } $frames=300; for($j=0; $j<$frames; $j++) { for($i=0; $i<$anz; $i++) { $t[$i]->moveTo( 260+round(sin($j/$frames*2*pi()+$k)*(50+50*($i+1))) , 160+round(sin($j/$frames*4*pi()+$i)*(20+20*($i+1)))); $t[$i]->rotateTo(round(sin($j/$frames*2*pi()+$i/10)*360)); } $m->nextFrame(); } header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash'); $m->output(); ?>